Tribute to Women & Industry Awards

Honoring Remarkable Women

YWCA introduced the Tribute to Women & Industry Awards (TWIN) in 1980 to recognize women for their exceptional leadership and achievements in their industry, organization, and community. TWIN honorees are inducted into a longstanding, prestigious group that pays tribute to the strength, courage, and spirit of women and their extraordinary talents.

This year, with feedback from our supporters, we are returning to our origins of celebrating TWIN honorees without separate awards for additional recognition. With this change, we strive to be more inclusive as we applaud the diverse talents of the inspiring women in our community!

We invite employers, colleagues, business partners, and friends to join us in elevating women who are making a powerful impact and creating pathways for others to follow. When you nominate a TWIN honoree, you are committing to purchasing a sponsorship package or one table of 10 for the upcoming In the Company of Women benefit luncheon.

Honorees and nominating organizations will be recognized through website content, email marketing, social media, on-site digital display, and the printed event program. At the luncheon, honorees will be celebrated on stage with a special presentation and group photo.

TWIN nominations are due by Friday, May 2, 2025 at 5pm. The submission form below requires a high-resolution headshot and formal bio of the honoree. Additionally, a high-resolution logo file and corporate boilerplate needs to be uploaded on behalf of the nominating company/organization.

In the Company of Women 2025

FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2025
Champagne Reception | 11AM – 12PM
Registration, networking, and silent auction.

Event Program and TWIN Awards | 12PM – 1:30PM
Tribute to Women & Industry Awards, inspirational keynote, mission presentation, and lunch.

VIP After Party | 1:45PM – 3:00PM
Meet and greet with keynote speaker, live entertainment, and special surprises.

TWIN Honoree Nomination Form


If you have any questions about the nomination process or the event, please contact Darlene Moreno at 619.239.0355 x225 or