Philanthropy is smart business

YWCA San Diego County relies on philanthropic contributions from corporations to continue our life-saving work for survivors of domestic violence. Through a mutually beneficial partnership, we can help you achieve your business goals and objectives.

  • Stand out from your competition, increase customer engagement, and enhance brand loyalty.
  • Underscore your corporate values and build a socially conscious workplace culture.
  • Ignite growth opportunities, promote community involvement, and inspire charitable giving.

According to Project ROI, a well-designed corporate social responsibility (CSR) program can increase employee engagement up to 7.5%, increase employee productivity by 13%, reduce employee turnover by 50%, and increase revenue by as much as 20%.

Invest in our Impact

YWCA offers comprehensive solutions for survivors to gain freedom from violence and abuse. Your support can be designated towards a specific program or need.

Logo placement and recognition benefits provide opportunities to promote your philanthropy in the marketplace.

Designating a beneficiary for staff celebrations, holiday parties, golf tournaments, concerts, and other events is a simple way to raise funds for survivors while engaging customers, employees, vendors, and members of the community.

Employer hosted or sponsored events also serve as unique team building and education opportunities for professional associations, mentor networks, and employee committees.

Employee matching and workplace giving programs are an effective method of promoting a culture of giving back and increasing employee engagement.

In a survey of companies who switched from a traditional one-charity model to expanded options with additional partners, 79% of companies reported increased participation rates and 73% raised more money.

Corporations who implement specific fundraising targets, competitions and awards, and thematic campaigns yield greater success.

Drive customer action and product sales with a cause-related promotion or give-back campaign to support our programs, such as a donation with purchase or consumer-directed contribution.

Partners can leverage the reputation of our brand, showcase their commitment to the local community, and measure the efficacy of their targeted initiatives.

Each year, YWCA holds signature events to raise awareness of domestic violence and fund our critical programs for survivors.

Featuring a renowned keynote speaker and the prestigious Tribute to Women & Industry Awards, the In the Company of Women benefit luncheon is held in the spring and attracts business professionals, community leaders, and philanthropists.

This fall, YWCA is holding our first charity golf tournament, the YWCA Golf Classic. Friends, colleagues, and business partners will enjoy a memorable day of golf at Singing Hills Golf Resort at Sycuan — plus lunch, awards, and prizes.

Sponsorship and underwriting opportunities are available.


Darlene Moreno
Development Coordinator
619.239.0355 x225


Voices of Strength and Courage

“It was so hard to imagine that I could have a different life for my children. For the first time, I’m excited and hopeful about our future.”

Nancy, Survivor and Client

“After years of hidden abuse, I was broken, ashamed, and confused. She had convinced me it was all my fault. YWCA helped me regain my self-worth as a person, and most importantly, as a father. You literally changed my life.”

Kevin, Survivor and Client

“When I was at my lowest point and losing hope, you saved us. You gave me a safe place to stay with my cat and helped me regain my strength. Although I’m still not fully healed, I know that we will be okay.”

Chelsea, Survivor and Client

“I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to take care of my son on my own. Thanks to YWCA, we’re in our own home and getting better every day. I never felt alone because I had so much support from all of you. Thank you for helping us get through this.”

Layla, Survivor and Client

“I’m grateful for all of the support and guidance you gave me. My children are doing much better now and I know we will keep getting stronger. Thank you for everything.”

Sylvia, Survivor and Client

“I was feeling so helpless and alone. You were there for me and my children and treated us like family. Because of YWCA, I’m working now and we’re living in our own home. All of this is because of your help and encouragement. I will always be grateful.”

Lisa, Survivor and Client