Chelsea’s Journey
Chelsea was referred to Becky’s House® Emergency Shelter by a friend. She had been the primary provider in an abusive marriage for over 12 years. Chelsea endured the pain silently and relied on her cat, Tiger, for emotional support. When her abuser lost their job, the violence escalated including threats to harm her cat. Chelsea feared for their safety and confided in a friend who encouraged her to contact YWCA.
Chelsea fled her home with her cat and they found protection through our emergency shelter program. As she began her stay, Chelsea’s abuser continued to stalk and harass her at work. She worked with her case manager for guidance and safety planning, and she began seeing a therapist. Through YWCA’s legal support, Chelsea obtained a restraining order and started the divorce process. She learned about her legal rights as a domestic violence victim and was able to terminate her lease so she could move to a safe location.
Chelsea’s housing coordinator helped her find a new apartment and she received temporary rental assistance to further improve her stability. Chelsea shared that she was overwhelmed at first and thought people would doubt her story. She was relieved to find so much support from everyone. As she focuses on the next stage of her new life, Chelsea knows she will face some challenges but she feels much stronger and better prepared now.
Survivor names in stories and testimonials are changed to ensure client confidentiality. Stock photography is used for illustrative purposes only.