Sylvia’s Story
Throughout their eight-year marriage, Sylvia’s husband refused to let her leave the house unless she reported where she was at all times. He explained that he just wanted to make sure she was safe. His controlling behavior gradually escalated to verbal and physical abuse. He stalked her at work and harassed her until she eventually lost her job. As his abusive behavior intensified, Sylvia feared for her children’s safety. As she planned her escape, Sylvia was referred to YWCA for help.
When they arrived at our Becky’s House® Emergency Shelter, Sylvia and her children were quiet and withdrawn. She started attending therapy and began searching for employment. She soon found part-time work in a field that offered a promising career path. Sylvia transferred to our longer-term transitional housing program to continue healing and focus on economic and housing stability. As she started paying down her debt, Sylvia was promoted at work and was able to start a savings plan. Her children benefitted from a stable home environment and began to display more confidence. Sylvia was accomplishing her goals and ready to pursue the next phase of our programs.
Through our Domestic Violence Housing First program, Sylvia found a two-bedroom apartment in a safe neighborhood close to her work. She received short-term rental assistance to help strengthen her financial resources as she transitions to complete independence. As they moved into their new home, Sylvia shared that her children are thriving now and she was so proud of how far they’ve come.
Survivor names in stories and testimonials are changed to ensure client confidentiality. Stock photography is used for illustrative purposes only.